SHIBUYA PIXEL ART 2020(シブヤピクセルアート2020)



最優秀賞 >>> 賞品はこちら




While still a pixel art, this work catches our attention with its lively depiction and powerful animation. It is a work that successfully blends pixel art and cinematic image effects—we love how the camera work offers various perspectives, the clever use of lights, and the movement of the girl's shadows. Because this short film, with a beginning and an end in the storyline, is significantly different in format from loop videos and still images, there was a debate among the judges on whether to select this as the best work of art. In the end, we all agreed that it has a powerful message of hope, one that could lighten up the mood of this otherwise difficult year.

優秀賞 >>> 賞品はこちら

「Namikibashi Shibuyagawa」



This artwork creates an eye-catching view of the current Shibuya River by using ukiyo-e woodblock prints as a motif. The overall structure is well balanced and the colors are simply beautiful. What’s more, the artist has drawn in speech bubbles that suggest this is actually a smartphone displaying a messaging app on its screen. The clever twist creates a new dimension and perspective to the work, drawing us into the world inside the phone. We also love the way the artist expressed light reflecting in the river, sky, and even on the smartphone screen.




The use of teletext was unique and had a strong impact that made the work stand out among the candidates. Everything was highly original—the way the work was drawn in perspective by using different dots, the music playing in the background, and the mysterious storytelling that felt as if in a strange dream. On the other hand, we felt its raw expression to be dark and gloomy, regardless of the artist's intentions. We would have liked to see a development in the story that betrayed this feeling to show light and hope to the audience.




Shibuya 109, an iconic department store in central Shibuya, is a symbol of the town that everyone challenges. However, the concept of spaceship is unique and creative. The artist has also added in other elements that represent Shibuya like Aogaeru, a famous train car tourist information center, and Shibuya Crossing, making the artwork a simple yet soothing animation that would attract people of all generations. The pixel size and deformation are just right, and the light, positive feeling of the artwork is very much like the vibe of the town.




When looking at this artwork, you can feel the air and humidity through the way it expresses rain and the way the lights are reflected on the ground. We appreciate how the theme, a service area at midnight, creates anticipation and tension, making us imagine the destination that lays ahead. However, we were not sure why the artist picked a service area. Although the beauty of the work and its level in technical skill are worthy of praise, there is room for improvement in the theme selection process.




This is a cute and pop art illustration like no other that depicts the kawaii culture with brightness and color. The game-like details—the items, the monsters, and the life bar icon—create a story to the work, and the motion of the girl’s hair, clothes, and bag further enhance the cuteness of the character. This contest calls for diversity, and we believe that there is significance in highlighting an artwork like this one. We hope that this will encourage more artists to try out their different styles in future contests.

「レガシーセーブデータ : 渋谷区」



We were impressed with the idea of stacking Shibuya's past, present, and future as if they were layers of soil. This feels like a never-before-seen picture scroll named “save data”. The isometric view makes the dots look the same, but the composition and color make up for its flaws to create an overall excellent piece of art. The intricate details and overall structure further enhance the individuality of this work.

「City of human」



There is sheer originality in the way the artist depicted the chaotic town of Shibuya by using an addictive animation of cyber mandala. Buddha is like a machine, a flashy and auspicious figure reflecting optimism—worlds apart from our own society of chaos and confusion in the time of the coronavirus. There were other works that tackled the concept of faith, but this one skillfully incorporated the Shibuya motif and was adept at creating a certain kind of exhilaration through its use of high-tempo loops. Adding music would have made it even better.

「Goodbye,Shibuya! I stopped waiting for you.」



Just like a page from a picture book, this artwork's quiet and gentle story stirs up the viewer’s imagination. Especially captivating is the night view in the background—the buildings deliberately lack outlines and are instead expressed by the light shining from their windows. The idea of Hachiko (an iconic canine statue by the Shibuya station) taking off on a rocket, as well the overall structure and color, are also superb.

「Night Lights」



A minimalistic work that extracted just the lights of Shibuya's Center Gai street. The work is not flat despite its pixel format, and beautifully composes a simplified cityscape of Shibuya. This work is reminiscent of 20th century Russian and German constructivism and feels like the beginning of a series under the same theme. We have just one request: expressing the texture of the lights would have added in more depth to the work.




This is a work that gives off a strong personality. We can see the artist’s efforts to tackle and express pixel art in their own way. The details drawn in the work seem to connect to create one story, much like a Native American textile. The unique patterns have a consistent rhythm that is a pleasure to the eye of the viewer.

メディコム・トイ特別賞 >>> 賞品はこちら


YUZUTOWN特別賞 >>> 賞品はこちら




This work draws the audience's attention with its intense personality and color. At first glance, the rhythm and choreography of the characters seem out of sync. For some reason, however, the overall picture creates harmony and comfort. There is also a peculiar sensation of hearing music in the background, even though the animation itself is without sound. The shape of the characters are also unique, crossing out the angular image of pixel art and instead giving off an impression of softness and liveliness, something reminiscent of Henri Matisse, the founding father of Fauvism.

Limited Pixel Art賞 >>> 賞品はこちら

「カラフルマスク 新しい生活様式」



We enjoyed this work’s colorful pastel tones and its diverse portrayal of people. It captures the essence of Shibuya by creating a bright and pop version of the new normal life. It is well put together, and we appreciate its charming optimism.




Although there is room for improvement in creating the loop images, this is a piece of work that is soothing to watch. The masked Hachiko dog is unexpected, and the artist’s humor enhances the appeal of their work.

「Robot Hachiko」




The dynamic form of the skateboarder is impressive, and the street smart vibe is very much like Shibuya. This is a piece of art that symbolizes the town where street culture is born every day, and it makes us want to see other works done by the artist.

Analog Pixel Art賞 >>> 賞品はこちら




Pixels are the smallest unit of an image. Replacing it with small blocks has introduced a wonderful simplicity to this medium, making it enjoyable for children as well. It embodies the accessibility of pixel art, and the high level challenge of combining round dots and square dots also deserves recognition.

Beyond Pixel Art賞 >>> 賞品はこちら

「Low res image」



At first glance, this is an image that is difficult to understand. But give it some time, and gradually you will feel its beauty. The depth and mystic charm that it convey is that of pixel art itself. By taking a look at the artist’s work as a series, we are able to see that they are enthusiastic in challenging and reconstructing established concepts of pixel art. We believe that this was the most original and inspiring visual expression.

Pixel Art Game賞 >>> 賞品はこちら

「Moving People of Shibuya」 Play→


エントリーされたゲームはどれも見事な作品ばかりだった。最終選考に残った作品は、全体的に古典的なアクションゲームの方向性を持っていて、どの作品もセンスと技術力の高さが感じらた。しかし、今回のテーマや目標を簡潔に表現しているという点では、『Moving People of Shibuya』が際立っていた。人混みの激しさに加えて視覚的にも圧倒される風景の中へ迷い込んだような感覚と、また自分もそういった風景の一部だというような感覚とを同時に味わうことができる。特にタイル張りで点滅する看板や広告は、コンピュータゲームでいうところのグリッチのような派手さがありながら、親しみやすく居心地の良ささえ感じる。プレイヤーはハッキリとした目的を求められることはないが、従来のアクションでは気が散ってしまうであろう、ミステリアスで独創的な世界が展開されている。唯一のアクションボタンは、探索と遊び心を誘う役割を果たしており、非日常的な雰囲気に浸り群衆(や他のオブジェクト)との相互作用から独自の意味を導き出すこともできるかもしれない。プレイヤーとデザイナーの両方の視点から見ても、この作品は面白くて美しいゲームで『Pixel Art Game賞』として相応しい作品だった。

This is a splendid selection of games, and it has been a pleasure to be involved in the judging process. The finalists generally took a classic action game direction, and all demonstrated a strong sense of style and technical ability. However, it is Moving People of Shibuya that stands out to us in its ability to succinctly address the themes and goals of the competition: It evokes the experience of being at once both lost in, and a sense of belonging to, a crowded and visually overwhelming landscape. The tiled flashing signs and advertising in particular, despite feeling brash and like glitches in a computer game world, still manage to give an impression of something familiar and comforting. Although the player is not prompted to pursue any particular goals, the world is presented in such a mysterious and original way that some form of traditional action would almost be a distraction. Instead, the sole action button serves to invite exploration and playfulness -- to soak up the unusual atmosphere, and perhaps to derive their own meaning from the interaction with the crowd (and other objects). From both a player and designer's point of view, we believe this is an interesting and beautiful game, and would like to put it forward as a worthy contender for 1st prize.



ドット絵などの デジタル・ピクセル表現は、誕生からもう半世紀は 経とうとしていますが、それでも現代のアーティストやクリエイターの表現の中に、ハッとするような作品がたくさん存在しているのは、驚きでした。それは、テクノロジーの進化というより、「今」を生きている人たちの感受性の深化だと、素直に思いました。決してノスタルジアではない、「今の渋谷」の表現が反映された作品群に、現代作家たちの気鋭さをビシビシと感じます。ピクセルアート表現は、世界中の数ある都市の中でも、日本や東京、そして渋谷というイメージと、強く結びついているのは確かです。このコンテストが少しずつ、世界中のピクセルアーティストたちを刺激して、さらに発展して行くことを願っています!

It has been half a century since the birth of digital pixel art, but it is inspiring to discover stunning works done by contemporary artists and creators. I believe that it is not the evolution of technology that has allowed this growth, but rather the deepening of modern-day people’s ability to feel and be present in the moment. I felt the spirit of contemporary artists through their work—their expression of Shibuya was not nostalgic but captured the present state of the town. Pixel art is strongly tied to the image of Japan, Tokyo, and Shibuya, even among the many cities around the world. I hope to see this contest gradually inspire pixel artists globally and evolve in the years to come!

Enhance代表 / シナスタジアラボ主宰 / 慶應義塾大学大学院メディアデザイン研究科 特任教授

シナスタジア(共感覚)体験の拡張を目指し創作を続けている。ビデオゲーム作品 「Rez」(2001)、「Lumines」(2004)、「Child of Eden」(2010)、「Rez Infinite」(2016)、 「Tetris Effect」(2018)などを始め、音楽を光と振動で全身に拡張する「シナスタジア・スーツ」(2016)、共感覚体験装置「シナスタジア X1–2.44」(2019)など、作品多数。エッジ・オブ(EDGEof)共同創業者兼取締役。慶應義塾大学大学院メディアデザイン研究科(Keio Media Design)特任教授。


シブヤピクセルアートコンテストは、とても素晴らしいコンテストでした。ピクセルアートをこのような形でプロモートしていることに、嬉しく思うとと同時に感謝しています。応募された作品は、とても良い作品ばかりで、自分たちの目でベストな作品を選ぶのに苦労しました。 アイデアに富んだ作品も多く、いくつかの作品はとてもユニークで大変驚きました!

This was a great contest and we are thankful for its effort to promote pixel art. There were so many good entries and we had a hard time selecting the best ones. The scope of ideas was broad, and we were surprised by some very unique submissions!


eBoyは、カイ・フェルメール、シュテフェン・ザウアータイグ、スヴェント・シュミタルの3名からなるグループで、1997年にベルリンで結成された。アディダスやプレイステーション、ルノー、グーグルなど様々な企業と協業し、近年ではLouis Vuitton Travel Book日本版のアートワークや、今年発売されたゆずのニューアルバム『YUZUTOWN』のジャケットビジュアルを手掛ける。eBoyを駆り立てる基本的なアイデアは、新しい「デジタルツール」や新しい「メディア」を使うこと。「画面」に直接作業することで、「ピクセル」を操る。モジュールのシステム環境が進化し、結果的に複雑なものがリッチなアートワークを生み出している。



Although I felt the candidates to be less powerful than last year, it seems to me that the era of video has arrived. While it is a bit of a pity that there were not many still pictures, the 16x16 works still had an overall optimistic feeling. I look forward to next year, and hope that we will be able to divide the awards into still picture and video categories. As for the Game award, I was torn on whether to evaluate based on visual or game content.





The overall level of the submissions has stepped up from last year, but the judges' opinions have become more diverse. This is because there were ones we felt had a weak theme, or ones that did not give a positive impression to the audience. Giving the current situation with the coronavirus, there was a strong desire among the judges to choose exciting works this year. There was also a heated debate on how to evaluate videos in story format, as there was a trend in deviation from the conventional loop-type images. In the end, we chose a pixel artwork using story-type animation for the highest award. I believe this is an epoch-making decision that expands the potential for future pixel artwork. I am looking forward to what happens in next year’s contest in response to this outcome.

株式会社ドワンゴ 取締役/カドカワ株式会社 取締役

NTTドコモでiモードや絵文字の企画・開発を行う。自身が手がけた絵文字は、2016年にニューヨーク近代美術館(NY MoMA)に永久収蔵された。現在はドワンゴでniconicoの運営代表として、さまざまなネットサービスやゲームをプロデュースしている。



My honest impression of this year’s contest was that there were few submissions that had achieved perfection. Because Pixel art itself has been around for some time, there have already been many approaches to come up with new expressions. I felt this tendency to challenge the conventional in this contest as well, but this trend has made me return to classic methods and appreciate their charm. Pixel art contests are really interesting in this sense.
Although the overall trend seems to lean towards GIF animation, I sense that early adopters have taken on still images once again. Artists are looking for different ways of expression outside of the dot form, but will eventually return to pixel art—maybe next year, or even later. I look forward to seeing the next phase.





This year, I valued submissions that showed the artist’s sincere attempt to digest and express their emotions, regardless of how it had been done. Even if there was a lack of technical skill, I wondered what would be made in the future if they continued to pursue their work, and chose ones that made me want to see more. The comments from other judges were insightful too—there were evaluations based on how the artist approached the audience and the themes, as well as choosing works that would pave the way for next year’s contest.
As for this year’s tendency and overall impression, I certainly felt the influence of the coronavirus. Many artists had presumably made their work indoors, and I found the submissions as a whole to be of high quality and with a serious tone. I feel that many people still think of pixel art as a standardized way of expression. But if more people with various backbones and cultures come together, there is still potential for a new style to evolve and bring in a new crowd. This year’s contest has made me rethink about the trends and future of pixel art.


ピクセルをベースにグラフィックやイラスト、映像やアプリを制作するクリエイター。国内のチップチューンシーンでロービットライクなVJを行う他近年は映像を中心としたクライアントワークを製作。2019年度、SHIBUYA PIXELART CONTEST最優秀賞受賞。






