6年目のシブヤピクセルアートは、 依然として猛威を振るうコロナと戦争など不安定な世界情勢の中、「ピクセルアートで、世界と再びつながる/Reconnect: To the New World」というテーマで開催しました。ドイツ、スウェーデン、ロシア、カナダ、韓国、中国、日本から総勢12名のピクセルアーティストが審査員として招致され、世界中が大変多くの作品の応募がありました。応募作品は、約25%が海外アーティストという国際的なコンテストに進化し、1次審査を通過した45名の作品が渋谷ヒカリエ 8/ CUBEにノミネート展示されました。さらに今回は、イベント開催期間中にコンテストの最終審査会が行われ、直後の表彰式で結果が発表される形式に変更。より多くの応募者に展示の機会が与えられ、多くの応募者・オーディエンスと共に、多様な作品の魅力に迫るイベントとなりました。
最優秀賞 / RANKA
The way colors, tile patterns, and motifs were used were modernistic and fresh. The expression of light in the final scene was especially a new approach not seen in existing pixel art. Moreover, these expressions combined with the background music created an atmosphere that led to a radiating last scene. (gnck)
I have experience working at an animation studio, but I am genuinely surprised and impressed by this short film that depicts such fine details in a short period of time. Seeing the protagonist in the film repeatedly take on and overcome challenges gave me courage – by the end, I was rooting for his victory. It’s a simple story intertwined with the game's appeal and successfully combines the intricate structure of the video game scenes with fighting and side scrolls! (onion)
The work has a lively touch like a painting and increases its appeal through the combination of many patterns with the cityscape theme. (JooJaebum)
In the selection process for the Grand Prize, heated discussions were made from various points of view, including the drawing quality and expressiveness of the work, the way the animation was created, its composition, and the message it conveyed. Above all criteria, this work was highly evaluated for its future potential, with its fresh sensibility to draw what the heart desires and the way it freely combines ideas. The complex animation, which is a departure from the "loop animation" that has recently been established as an expression of pixel art, was difficult to decipher at first glance. But a few of the judges sympathized with how the artist grasped the current situation we face (the pandemic) like a game (even without understanding the concept or language) and made a bold attempt to overcome the obstacles. The work was selected as the best in terms of originality, sociality, and composition. (Shibuya Pixel Art Committee)
This artwork extracts the everyday landscape that goes back and forth between virtual reality within games and the internet and reality. It was one of the rare submissions that touched upon sociality, one of the evaluation criteria. The work shows a high level of perfection and skill, which can be seen in the detailed signboards and the depth of the scenery. I also appreciate the playfulness in which the scenery is expressed as a side-scrolling game. (Yusuke Shigeta)
The so-called 2D pixel art and modern pixel art with perspective are combined with good balance, and the "dream" element overlaps with the loop structure of the Yamanote train line, making us want to watch it over and over again. The loop animation is also well-crafted, and I gave a high evaluation for its experience and high technicality. (APO+)
Incorporating elements such as the city of Shibuya and games, the work depicts a (Yamanote line) train journey and gives it a cool and surprising story. I was also stunned by the well-drawn background. (Klas)
This is a work that depicts one’s tranquil hours spent visiting a city by contrasting the scenes experienced inside and outside of a car. I loved the idea of using the side-scrolling shooting game style to switch between reality and fantasy. The unexpectedness of how all the different scenes are incorporated with a casual and consistent tone is also worth noting. (Hattori Graphics) -
An outstanding piece. The colors, the details, the characters drawn with such accuracy – everything was perfect. I was very surprised at how the author created such a fascinating work where everything was included in one scene and made me want to know more about this world. A lot of information is piled into the scene, creating depth and making it even more attractive. If it were to be made into a series, I would definitely want to see how the story evolves. (waneella)
Simply put, very cool. It was incredibly comforting to watch how the work used a large resolution to distance itself from pixel art, how each motif was chosen with delicacy, and how the technique and the use of colors matched throughout the scenes. Even with the high resolution, the work is definitely pixel art. Unconfined by mechanical limitations, the work expresses itself in a way that can only be achieved with today’s form of pixel art. (APO+) -
I really like the decorative appearance of this artwork. (waneella)
This work has great composition and well-matched colors that create a strong visual impact. The character poses, placement, and overall spatial direction were well-drawn as well. The scenes evoke various "memories" of the city of Shibuya to those watching. It was a technically brilliant piece of work and my personal favorite. (Toyoya) -
This monster of work tackles four of this year's themes which were all beautifully integrated into the frenetic bustle of Shibuya and the chaotic atmosphere of 90’s arcade games. It is vivid and beautiful, like watching a feverish Japanese night festival in a single still image. The backgrounds, characters, and even the UI were drawn without compromise and were a far cry from the playful simulations of game screens. The artist’s love for the scenery of Shibuya was also extraordinary, and it was wonderful to see how they depicted it from their own point of view. I doubt that there has ever been an artist before who had used the Udagawa-cho police station and the Hachiko bus bound for Yoyogi Uehara as the main backdrops. (Hattori Graphics)
This work has great artistic taste. It takes complex skill and sensitivity to make characters in still images look as though they are moving, but this artwork achieves this and is fun to watch. It’s as if the work was created as a gif movie. The details are also well drawn, such as the trash in the streets of Shibuya, the buses, and the rowdy area in front of the police box on Center Street, with a good mix of reality and fiction. (Kazuki Takakura) -
The moment I saw it, I thought it was very cute. One of the charms of pixel art is that it creates a picture with continuous textiles. When I drew the pixel art for the Famicom myself, I had a hard time drawing mountains, seas, walls, floors, and dungeons seamlessly. When I saw this piece of work, I was reminded of the appeal of pixel art, which can be playful, with a high level of design, and developed in various directions depending on how it is used, contrary to recent styles where pixel art is richly drawn like illustrations. The dolphin banana is also fantastic. (Kazuko Shibuya)
This work is full of the charm of pixel art and the stylish use of colors is wonderful. There is a fun sense of discovery as one goes from seeing an overall pattern to the subtle variations of the bananas when examining from close-up. This time it was graphic work, but it would be interesting to see it in print as well as in animation. It‘s a piece of work that can be further developed in the future. (Yusuke Shigeta) -
We In recent trends of pixel art, the expressive possibilities of 1:1 pixels are being explored to their full extent. I had been thinking about the possibility of transformative pixels (pixel-imperfect) as a way of expression in the future as opposed to pixel-perfect when I came across this work and felt it has great potential. In thinking about motifs fit to be drawn in pixels, the horizontal deformed pixels and the buildings are a good match, and I liked how the artist creates a chill atmosphere of the entire city without relying on symbolism. (gnck)
The selection of the optimal pixel aspect ratio for the building motif and the precise colors creates a realism unlike any other. The scenery of today's rigid Shibuya is accurately depicted. (Hattori Graphics) -
『baby quilt』64×64
This is truly a work of art in its use of various materials. Both pixel art and embroidery share a common delicacy of having been made one by one, and the work serves as a bridge between digital and analog. Even the process of its creation is felt as a part of art within this work. (JooJaebum)
Full of charm, the cloth framing is a fresh and unique take. (Toyoya) -
" モモマン誕生!/Momoman begins "
What I liked about this work is that you can't really tell if it's pixel art, artwork on Shibuya, or if it’s a take on the metaverse. Pixel art tends to focus on craftsmanship, but when we go back to the origin that “all digital images are composed of pixels”, this work gave us a great theme to rethink: “what is pixel art?” It gave me an opportunity to think of such things. All the characters are very colorful and charming as well. (Kazuki Takakura) -
The Mona Lisa is one of the most classic and beautiful works of art, but with new interpretations, this artwork beautifully sublimated its unique style while maintaining the calm beauty of the original piece. The combination and animation of the banana and Hachiko showed amazing creativity and technical skill. (eboy) -
Although there is a bit of a leap from the theme of "newly born", this work shows excellent character design, color, animation, and overall balance. I appreciated the very soft touch of the pixel art and the sense of storytelling and reverberation despite its short length. (Yusuke Shigeta) -
adidas Originals 特別賞
この作品は、未来的でありどこか懐かしくて、ピクセルアートの可能性にチャレンジするとても前向きな作品だと感じました。今後も新しい捉え方や手法で多くの方を驚かせてほしいです。(アディダスジャパン 田部)
Futuristic and somewhat nostalgic, I felt that this was a forward-looking work that challenges the possibilities of pixel art. I hope that the artist continues to surprise many people with their new ways of thinking and methods. (adidas Japan Tabe)
This work is based on the concept of Shibuya Pixel Art itself, and I couldn't help but laugh at the artist's cynical attitude. As a method of expression, it was interesting to see them pick up niche textures such as a PC screen saver or the notice signs that are displayed on the electronic bulletin board in a local city or government office. Their point of view slightly differs from the "internet expression" of yesteryear and is wonderfully original. (Kazuki Takakura) -
構造が若干特殊な衣裳をはじめとした扮装の描写の正確さはもとより、『連獅子』という演目の所作(しょさ)の躍動感が、人物のポーズや獅子の毛の靡き方に加え、360°回転という斬新な手法で表現されている点で出色の作品でした。もとの題材をおおむね忠実に再現しながら、本来の舞台では見ることができない視角を取り入れた表現方法を高く評価しました。(松竹株式会社 飯島)
The work was outstanding not only for its accurate depiction of the costumes, including the costumes with a slightly unusual structure, but also for the way it expressed the dynamic performance of the Renjishi, the character poses, the sweeping motions of the lion hair, and the innovative technique of the 360° rotation. We highly praise the artist for depicting the scenes from angles that cannot be seen in a regular stage performance, all the while being faithful to the original production. (Shochiku Co. Iijima)
This is a masterpiece that encapsulates the dynamism of the stage in voxels without leaving out any details and we highly evaluate its uniqueness in showing the voxels with toon shading. (Hattori Graphics) -
Shibuya Komachi
いわゆる私たちファミコン世代(40代後半)のノスタルジーと共にあるピクセルアート、ドット絵とは違いキャンバスに向かう画家が持ちうる絵の具を使って表現するように、ピクセルというある種の縛りを超えた自由性に次世代のデジタルアーティストとしての可能性を感じました。モデル・タレント・アイドルと華やかな場所で活動をする彼女らしく、イメージ通りの華やかな表現も体現的で清々しい。(ブレイク前夜プロデューサー 井浦)
Pixel art is nostalgic for those of us of the so-called Famicom generation (the late 40’s). With this work, I felt the artist’s potential as a next-generation digital artist who possesses a freedom that transcends the constraints of pixels, just as a painter facing a canvas can use whatever colors to express themselves. Her style is also refreshing and glamorous, which fits her own image as a model, TV personality, and idol. (“Break eve” producer Iura)
I was very impressed with the Japanese elements of this work, starting with its use of colors. It has a characteristic angle and is a wonderful piece of work that combines traditional Japanese taste with modern techniques. (Toyoya) -
16×16 Limited Pixel Art賞
877エラー 画像出力に失敗しました
A 16x16 ultra-low resolution picture tends to feel flat when drawn, but in this case the colors and rotating bananas made the work look extremely three-dimensional. It is a successful combination of 3D and ultra-low resolution, which can be incompatible at times. (APO+)
This work expressed various angles in a very natural way, and it looked like there was a bug with the bananas inside a fictional world. (JooJaebum)
The artist produces a cyber feeling using black as the base, and cleverly expresses the banana with low resolution pixels. The work helped convey the appeal of DITOO when projected on the device. We felt it depicted a good understanding of DITOO's product characteristics. (WiseTech Fujii) -
32×32 Limited Pixel Art 賞
わずか 32x32 のキャンバスサイズに、これほど複雑なアニメーションを作成したことに、深い感銘を受けました。バナナが渋谷を制圧し、歌舞伎が反撃する話は見ものでした。(onion)
DIVOOM製品の最大フレーム数である60フレームを有に超える長編アニメーションに、コンテストのテーマをふんだんに盛り込み、言葉なしでもストーリー性を感じとることができました。また、ピクセルアートのアニメーションの可能性を感じさせてくれる作品でした。(株式会社WiseTech 藤井)
I was deeply impressed that the artist created such a complex animation on a canvas size of just 32x32. The story of the banana taking control of Shibuya and Kabuki fighting back was an incredible spectacle to watch. (onion)
The work was excellent in supplementing information by combining wide angle and focused cuts. (Yusuke Shigeta)
The theme of the contest was abundantly incorporated into this feature-length animation with over 60 frames, which is the maximum number of frames for DIVOOM products. It’s an artwork that made me feel the possibilities of pixel art animation. (WiseTech Fujii) -
64×64 Limited Pixel Art 賞
PIXOO64のような壁掛け可能なフレームにマッチし、永遠に工事が終わらないシブヤの街を窓から眺めているような雰囲気があり、ずっと見ていられる作品でした。色使いも鮮やかで、デバイスの出せる色表現の可能性を提示してくれる作品でした。(株式会社WiseTech 藤井)
I love everything that is depicted in this work. It’s charming, the colors are nice, and the animation is simply great. (waneella)
The work matched the wall-mountable frame of PIXOO64. It gave a feeling of looking out a window at the city of Shibuya where construction never ends – I can gaze at this work for hours. The use of vivid colors also showed the possibilities of color expression by the device. (WiseTech Fujii) -
Analog Pixel Art 賞
路上で撮影することでバナナの放置感がより伝わってきて、熟し方の細部にわたる表現がさすがでした。スクランブル交差点で行きかう人が踏んで滑っている様子もぜひ見てみたいです。(株式会社カワダ 神村)
It was very well modeled. Even the flat banana peel was expressed deftly with the use of layers. I also liked how the image submitted was placed on the side of the road. (Yusuke Shigeta)
By taking the image on a street, the artist was successful at conveying the image of a neglected banana. I was impressed with the detailed expression of the banana’s ripeness as well. I would love to see another image where people are stepping and sliding on the banana skin at the scramble crossing. (Kawada Kamimura) -
Beyond Pixel Art賞
I found the idea and storytelling very appealing. (Kazuko Shibuya)
The idea of building a story with the stakes of a dice was highly creative and playful. The iconic nature of pixel art also gave the dice a sublime impression. (Hattori Graphics)
I enjoyed the idea of combining the dice with a heightened sense, much like playing a game. (Toyota)
9月のイベントは、6月1日から7月末まで開催されたシブヤピクセルアートコンテスト2022の受賞ノミネート作品とコンテストの審査員の作品が展示されました。 また、会場となった渋谷ヒカリエの施設館内のサイネージなどを利用し、多くの作品が展開されました。
A rugon/ anarrator/ Art Man Oil/ Biwamasu/ cyanfish/ DAWN MOONLES./ Dmitry Petyakin/ Eto/ guri/ Ночь/ Jptom/ koh/ MEI/ Mokuya/ mol/ Muscat/ MYZY/ otm/ RuiRei/ Sgam/ Sykz/ Kei Hayakawa/ Zennyan/ あらき/ カノコリンタロウ(𝙼𝚎𝚗𝚘)/ くわぽん/ こぐみ/ こみちまめ/ バウエルジゼル愛華/ たかはし/ にくまし/ のいせ/ ヒサシ/ ヘルミッペ/ NekoBraver/ ミ‘ᾥ’ミうをのぞき/ mudmams/ みら14号/ ミクロ/ モモマン/ ヤマ/ るぴなす/ わもぅ/ 高村檸檬/ 大魔王ロマ子/
APO+/ eBoy/ gnck/ Joo Jaebum/ onion (Nelson Wu)/ Toyoya/ waneella/ 服部グラフィクス/
後半 DJ: Kyohei Fujita×VJ: m7kenji
9.25(日) 17:00-19:00
adidas Special Collaboration Exhibition/奥田栄希
adidas Originalsと奥田栄希のコラボ展示。「Made Originals 塗り替えろ。何度でも。」をキャッチコピーに、NMD_V3をモチーフにしたファミコン作品が登場。また、店内には、adidas Originalsの名作シューズ188種をドット絵として展開。店内のクリエイティブハブ「MakerLab」カスタムプリントサービスでは、奥田栄希のドット絵をTシャツにプリントしてあなただけの1着を作成できる施策を展開。
9.18(日) - 9.30(金) 11:00-20:00
会場:adidas Originals Flagship Store Tokyo 地下1階
eBoyは、カイ・フェルメール、シュテフェン・ザウアータイグ、スヴェント・シュミタルの3名からなるグループで、1997年にベルリンで結成された。 アディダスやプレイステーション、ルノー、グーグルなど様々な企業と協業し、近年ではLouis Vuitton Travel Book日本版のアートワークや、今年発売されたゆずのニューアルバム『YUZUTOWN』のジャケットビジュアルを手掛ける。eBoyを駆り立てる基本的なアイデアは、新しい「デジタルツール」や新しい「メディア」を使うこと。 「画面」に直接作業することで、「ピクセル」を操る。モジュールのシステム環境が進化し、結果的に複雑なものがリッチなアートワークを生み出している。
1985年東京生まれ。東京芸術大学美術研究科絵画-油画専攻修了。古いテレビゲームを題材に平面表現を行いながら、近年ファミコン実機で動作するインタラクティブなゲームカセットの作品制作を行っている。その制作過程ではゲーム作品の立案から、プログラムの作成、基盤にハンダ付け、ひとつのカセットにパッケージするところまで全て行う。不毛なゲーム作品「悲しいゲーム」のシリーズでは、ゲームが成立するための構造や、遊び的要素、ルールを排除・逸脱することで、ゲーム表現の新たな可能性について提示することを試みた。ファミコンという限られたデータ容量の制約だからこそ可能なメディア表現を模索している。 受賞歴に群馬青年ビエンナーレ2008 奨励賞受賞。主な展覧会に2015年個展「悲しいゲーム」 (Takashi Somemiya Gallery)、2016年グループ展「ピクセルアウト」(ピクシブジンガロ)、2018年「山形ビエンナーレ2018」、2019年「シブヤピクセルアート2019」ほか多数の展覧会に参加。
Joo Jaebum
大学時代、アニメーションの制作を共にした友達が集まり設立した会社で、映像とグラフィックの仕事をしてきました。その時代にSNSを通して、pixelを使った個人製作の活動を広げ、初めて海外で作品関連のラブコールを受けることになりました。それ以降、フリーランスに転向し、多様なメディアチャンネルを通して、pixelartを紹介し、 現在pixelartistとして活動しています。 2019年チャムシルロッテギャラリーでの個展をはじめ、国立現代美術館での展示とイベント、ソウル市公共美術プロジェクトに参加など、多くの活動を行なっています。 その他、様々な分野の企業ブランド(Instagram、Google、GENTLE MONSTAR、NEXON、STARBUCKS、Dior、NIKEなど)と協業、YG ent. 、SM ent.、AOMGなど国内外アーティスト達との共同製作を通して、昨今はNFTアート分野など多様な場で繊細なタッチを見ることができます。